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Laser rejuvenation

Laser rejuvenation treatments

People have always wanted youth without old age. Today, with laser rejuvenation treatments, this dream can come true!

Who are we talking to?

Do you want a youthful, unaffected look? Whether this is a preventative goal and you are over 20 years old, or you want to correct a number of problems that have already occurred, such as wrinkles, fine lines, sunspots, laxity, scars, laser treatments are an appropriate solution, sometimes integrated into treatment protocols that comprehensively target all problems. Laser rejuvenation treatments are a highly effective way to rejuvenate skin and restore a youthful appearance.

Why choose SKINMED® experts?

Because we at SKINMED® are the healthy skin experts. Healthy looking is always beautiful. And beauty, for us, embraces the principles of naturalness and health. Thus, we have incorporated the latest laser technology with exceptional results on the skin, without significant recovery and in complete safety. We understand how our physiological mechanisms of aging, chronological or premature aging induced by external factors, work. Premature ageing of the skin occurs as a result of a combination of factors such as sun exposure, stress, certain conditions that leave behind unpleasant residual signs such as acne. It is not only the skin of the face that is affected, but also areas such as the neck, neckline and hands.

For us, laser rejuvenation is a really successful solution when talking about all these skin problems, with different treatment methods available, depending on the particularities of each patient.

Benefits of laser rejuvenation treatments in SKINMED®

Team of professionals, coordinated by Dr. Amalia Anghel
Doctors trained in the latest treatments and technologies
Experts with national and international specialisations
State-of-the-art technologies
Modern and effective treatments and procedures


rapid procedure

state-of-the-art laser technology

sometimes a recovery period is required

SPF 50 post-procedure

oedema, post-procedure erythema

How do laser rejuvenation treatments work?

The treatment works by using targeted laser energy to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, the two main components of healthy, youthful skin. The result is a smoother, more even complexion with improved texture and tone. These treatments also induce active regeneration of our skin cells, the keratocytes, the majority cells, and the skin takes on a youthful, unblemished appearance.

There are several types of laser rejuvenation treatments. For example, ablative lasers removes the top layers of skin, targeting deeper wrinkles and scars, while non-ablative lasers works by heating the underlying layers of the skin to stimulate collagen growth without damaging the skin surface.

Treatment is relatively quick and painless, with most procedures taking less than an hour. Although slight redness or swelling may occur immediately after treatment, most of the time no recovery time is needed.

What laser rejuvenation (rejuvenation) treatments are available in SKINMED®?

ClearLift Laser

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The ClearLift Laser  works with photo-acoustic shock waves, acting directly on the skin tissue where it is needed. Depending on the needs of the integument, the dermatologist will choose the right depth to ensure optimal results. The body's own synthesis and regeneration processes will thus be activated, with collagen production, without the epidermis, the superficial layer of the skin, being affected.

Areas treated with the ClearLift laser: face, neck, neckline, hands, area around the eyes.

Improved conditions: fine lines, superficial wrinkles, pigmentation spots (photoaging or melasma), scars, enlarged pores, laxity of the integument, hyperpigmentation of the periorbital area

Number of meetings required: 4-6, spaced every 1 month. Useful maintenance meetings (1 session/ 6 months)

Fractional CO₂ laser

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When the complexion undergoes significant changes as a result of aging, excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, or shows significant atrophic scarring, rejuvenation with fractional CO₂ laser is by choice.

The CO₂ laser creates micro-injuries in the form of "columns" perpendicular to the layers of skin, with the effect of regenerating the tegument through collagen and elastin synthesis and filling in deficient areas without excess pigment.

Improved conditions: deep wrinkles, atrophic (old) scars, whose appearance is improved. It erases pigmentation spots and imperfections, and the skin looks younger, firmer, brighter.

Number of meetings required: 2-4 (depending on the needs of each patient), spaced every 1 month.

How the procedure goes: The procedure is performed with local anaesthesia. Post-procedure, the skin shows erythema for a few days (5-7), along with punctiform scales, which will progressively detach to reveal firmer, more uniform, visibly rejuvenated skin.

Radio Frequency - Pixel RF

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Radio Frequency - Pixel RF is a minimally invasive procedure with similar benefits to CO₂ laser therapy. Pixel RF creates microablative columns in the epidermis, surrounded by deeper regions of thermally denatured tissue. This thermal effect means deeper action in the dermis for regeneration, collagen synthesis and skin remodeling.

Improved conditions: scars, deep wrinkles. Improves skin texture and shrinks pores.

Mix of procedures for significant results: Combining Pixel RF with an ablative fractional laser can have a synergistic effect for the patient seeking major rejuvenation. The use of ultrasound immediately after Pixel RF helps to deliver certain active substances directly into the dermis, enhancing their effect.

Doctors EXPERT in laser rejuvenation treatments

In SKINMED®, you will find highly experienced medical specialists working with the latest results of medical research on prevention and treatment, using state-of-the-art medical equipment and products. We look forward to meeting our doctors for a treatment tailored to your needs!

SKINMED experience and technology®, for flawless looking skin!

Advantages SKINMED®


  • Over 19,000 patients treated in the clinic
  • Over 300 new patients every month
  • Over 3,500 new patients annually
  • Over 20,000 treatments per year


  • FOTOFINDER-accredited Centre of Expertise in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Skin Cancer
  • ALMA LASER accredited laser treatment centre of expertise
  • ALLERGAN accredited centre of expertise in Aesthetics and Medical Injecology


  • Only world-class accredited technologies

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Frequently asked questions

What is laser rejuvenation treatment?

Laser rejuvenation treatment is a non-invasive medical procedure using special laser technology to improve the appearance of your skin. Specific skin conditions such as acne scars, sun changes, fine lines, wrinkles and uneven skin tone are targeted.

How does it work?

The laser light penetrates the skin and targets the damaged tissue. The heat generated by the laser then causes the tissue to break down and signals the body to produce more collagen, which in turn helps promote healing, repair and rejuvenation of the skin. It also induces cell renewal, keratinocytes and melanocytes, so that the skin will look youthful and free of damage.

What can you expect during treatment?

You may feel slight discomfort or a warm sensation as the laser penetrates your skin. Depending on the area being treated, the procedure usually takes from a few minutes to an hour. For non-ablative lasers, there is no recovery time. Ablative lasers have a recovery time of 5-7 days, during which time the skin reddens and peels.

Is it a safe treatment?

Laser rejuvenation treatment is generally considered safe when performed by a medical specialist. However, as with any medical procedure, there is always the possibility of side effects such as redness, swelling and itching of the treated area. These effects are usually temporary and disappear within a few hours or maximum one day after the procedure. Laser technologies have been in use for more than half a century, which further contributes to the complete safety of the procedures.

When are the results visible?

Most people experience visible improvements after the first treatment session. However, it may take several treatment sessions to achieve the desired results, depending on the severity of your skin condition and your individual response to treatment.

Is recovery time necessary?

Typically, there is no significant downtime after a non-ablative laser rejuvenation treatment. However, you may experience slight redness or edema (swelling) for a few days after treatment, which can easily be covered with makeup. It is also important to avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreen with an SPF 50 when outdoors.

In ablative laser treatments, complex problems with your skin, e.g. deep wrinkles, scars or pigmented lesions, are addressed. As a result of the procedure, the skin reddens and exfoliates for the next 5-7 days. The indication is topical epithelializing treatment and SPF 50 used regularly, every three hours.