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Hair and scalp consultations

Correct diagnosis and effective treatments

We've come to believe that time is the enemy of rich, beautiful hair. But it doesn't have to be. In SKINMED®, we offer solutions against alopecia, but also against other scalp and hair problems.

Who are we talking to?

Hair and scalp consultations in SKINMED® are aimed at women and men who suffer from itching, flaking and other unpleasant scalp manifestations or who want to stop hair loss, help hair regrowth or correct missing hair through implantation.

Why choose SKINMED® experts?

  • Professionalism:
    The SKINMED® team is made up of experienced doctors with international specialisations who will guide your treatment towards optimal results that will give you satisfaction.
  • Modern diagnostic technology:
    Because the correct diagnosis is the first step towards a cure, our specialists use trichoscopy, an advanced method of assessing hairs. A local and a German team collaborate for an accurate diagnosis, the foundation for safe treatments in SKINMED®.
  • Varied treatment options:
    Depending on the type of problem you have and its causes, SKINMED® doctors will choose from a wide range of treatments the mix that suits you best. The treatments available include mesotherapy, plasma therapy, microneedling and hair implants.

Benefits of dermatological consultations in SKINMED®

Team of professionals, coordinated by Dr. Amalia Anghel
Doctors trained in the latest treatments and technologies
Experts with national and international specialisations
State-of-the-art technologies
Modern and effective treatments and procedures


What are hair and scalp consultations in SKINMED®?

As in any other situation in medicine, correct treatment requires correct diagnosis. SKINMED® has advanced diagnostic methods, a benefit for our patients, who enjoy correct detection of conditions and a highly effective, personalised and targeted treatment plan.

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is a non-invasive scalp assessment method using the TrichoLab Fotofinder.

In short, high accuracy images are taken in the office, on the basis of which relevant parameters are calculated, e.g. number of follicles. The images are interpreted by the Fotofinder Trichology Laboratory in Germany. Based on the analysis, the SKINMED® doctor draws up the treatment plan. This investigation is necessary for both alopecia and other conditions.

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Scalp biopsy

can be used to assess hair loss, to determine the definite cause. For example, scarring alopecia can be distinguished from non-scarring alopecia. Tissue is taken in the surgery and sent to the laboratory for examination by the pathologist.

Afterwards, your doctor will suggest treatment plan, which will include one or more therapies, determining the number of sessions. Treatments will be carried out in complete safety for you, in some cases maintenance sessions will be necessary.


SKINMED experience and technology®, for flawless looking skin!

Advantages SKINMED®


  • Over 19,000 patients treated in the clinic
  • Over 300 new patients every month
  • Over 3500 new patients annually
  • Over 20000 treatments per year


  • FOTOFINDER-accredited Centre of Expertise in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Skin Cancer
  • ALMA LASER accredited laser treatment centre of expertise
  • ALLERGAN-accredited Centre of Expertise in Aesthetics and Medical Injecology


  • Only world-class accredited technologies

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