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Facial treatment for rejuvenation and rehabilitation

OxyGeneo is a revolutionary treatment that combines exfoliation and oxygenation to energize and restore skin's radiance and provide a nourished, balanced and healthy complexion. With OxyGeneo, in SKINMED we can effectively and safely treat both patients with normal skin and those with sensitive skin, those suffering from couperose or rosacea, those with pigmentation spots, oily skin or acne.

What is OxyGeneo?

OxyGeneo combines 3 facial treatments in one device. Simultaneously, it provides gentle exfoliation through wet dermabrasion, oxygenates the tissues and rejuvenates the complexion by infusing active ingredients.

Benefits of OxyGeneo in SKINMED®

Gentle exfoliation:
  • The treatment uses a special technology that effectively exfoliates the top layer of skin, removing dead skin cells and stimulating cell regeneration.
Nutrient infusion:
  • OxyGeneo delivers essential nutrients to the skin through ultrasound technology and a specialised serum containing beneficial ingredients such as vitamins, antioxidants, peptides, hyaluronic acid. These deeply nourish and hydrate the skin.
Oxygenating the complexion:
  • Through a chemical reaction between the treatment gel and a machine-activated mineral capsule, OxyGeneo releases carbon dioxide (CO₂) to the skin's surface. It stimulates local blood circulation, improving oxygenation of the skin.
Stimulation of collagen production:
  • Through exfoliation and infusion of nutrients, OxyGeneo stimulates collagen production, helping to diminish wrinkles and achieve a firmer, more youthful appearance.
Immediate and visible results from the first meeting:
  • Skin becomes brighter, smoother and more even, and the effects can last for a long time.


The OxyGeneo treatment takes place in two phases during a single session.

First, a nutrient-rich gel is applied to the skin and a mineral capsule is connected to one end of the machine. The capsule, activated by the machine through a vibrating movement, in contact with the gel on the face, becomes abrasive, performing a gentle exfoliation process.

During the procedure, the mineral elements in the capsule dissolve into the gel, forming carbon dioxide, which in turn penetrates the skin. This process has the effect of reflexively stimulating capillary circulation, which brings more oxygen to the skin.

In the second phase of treatment, a specific serum is applied to the skin and the ultrasound cap is used over it following a well-established protocol. This pushes the active ingredients in the serum, allowing them to be absorbed into the skin at an optimal depth.

The result: The complexion becomes smoother, brighter and at the same time balanced and radiant.


Five types of mineral capsules and specific serums can be used in the treatment. These are produced in Israel, a country renowned for its cosmetic and aesthetic performance.

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Revive oxypods capsules, dedicated to general skin rejuvenation, contain red algae, retinol and caffeic acid, active nutrients that improve the balance and texture of the skin, with a powerful anti-ageing effect.

Geneo Revive Serum contains a complex of peptides, hyaluronic acid, vitamins and nutrients such as jojoba and argan oil, vanilla, horsetail extract, which encourage collagen production and reduce the signs of ageing.

The treatment is dedicated to sensitive skin suffering from couperose/rosacea and mature skin.

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Geneo Illuminate OxyPods contain citric acid, kojic acid and azelaic acid, an innovative combination of ingredients that brighten and even skin tone.

Geneo Illuminate Serum contains powerful brightening ingredients such as amino acid derivatives, tree bark extract and moisturising ingredients such as triglycerides, jojoba and argan oil. These nourish the skin for a radiant look.

The treatment is dedicated to hyperpigmented skin suffering from melasma.

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Geneo Ballancing OxyPods contains activated charcoal from bamboo for a detoxifying effect, camu-camu extract high in vitamins and antioxidants and mandelic acid to help treat acneic or oily skin.

Geneo Ballancing Serum complements the treatment effect thanks to powerful antioxidants, vitamins, nutrients and purifying ingredients (salicylic acid, peptides, jojoba and argan oil, vanilla and horsetail extract) and helps prevent and treat post-acne signs thanks to an azelaic acid derivative.

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Geneo Glam

The OxyGeneo Glam facial is a premium variant of the standard OxyGeneo treatment, offering a number of special features:

Particle-Free-Exfoliation: OxyGeneo Glam uses advanced exfoliation technology that does not involve the use of abrasive particles. It provides gentle and effective exfoliation without irritating the skin.

OxyGeneo Glam OxyPods are micro-cavity capsules with concentrated nutrients including colloidal gold, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. These capsules open and release the active ingredients during treatment, providing an intense supply of nutrients to the skin.

Colloidal gold has anti-ageing properties and can help reduce inflammation and improve skin elasticity for a younger, brighter appearance.

Golden serum: The OxyGeneo Glam treatment uses a special serum containing colloidal gold particles, as well as other active ingredients such as viatmin C, hyaluronic acid and collagen. This premium serum helps to intensely hydrate, brighten and deeply nourish the skin.


OxyGeneo is one of the most effective modern non-invasive treatments. The therapy can address a variety of skin problems such as rosacea and couperose, acne, pigmentation spots, melasma, uneven skin texture, enlarged pores, dehydrated skin, dull dull skin, ageing skin, fine wrinkles.

OxyGeneo provides similar results to more invasive facial treatments such as microdermabrasion and laser treatments, but without the recovery period or side effects associated with them.

Because it does not involve the use of abrasive particles, OxyGeneo can be used safely by people with sensitive or irritation-prone skin.

SKINMED experience and technology®, for flawless looking skin!

Frequently asked questions

What is OxyGeneo and why is it an innovative facial treatment?

OxyGeneo combines 3 facial treatments in one device. Simultaneously, it provides gentle tissue exfoliation and achieves skin rejuvenation by infusing active ingredients.

How does it work?

A mineral capsule, activated by the machine through a vibrating movement and in contact with a special gel applied to the skin, exfoliates the horny layer, removing dead cells from the skin's surface.

OxyGeneo also produces CO₂ bubbles, which create a physiological tissue oxygenation response, improving capillary flow and stimulating optimal absorption of active ingredients.

The ultrasound technology then used over a specific serum repels the active ingredients in the serum, optimally infusing them into the skin.

What benefits will I get by using this treatment?

The complexion will be cleaner, brighter, more hydrated, pores will become visibly smaller. In addition, OxyGeneo smoothes fine lines, has a rejuvenating effect and improves skin texture.

How long does a treatment session last?

A treatment session lasts about 20-30 minutes. The complexion may be slightly red after the treatment, but the redness disappears quickly after 1-2 hours.

It is a safe procedure for all skin types, painless and can be used in adolescence, as well as in older age and for sensitive skin.

Series of 4-6 treatment sessions are recommended, scheduled 1-4 weeks apart.

The treatment can also be combined with other anti-aging procedures to achieve the desired results.