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Lip augmentation "by the book"!

The lips, part of the central part of the face, are the key element of femininity and sensuality, which is why lip augmentation (augmentation) is one of the most requested medical aesthetic techniques.

Who are we talking to?

Hyaluronic acid injection or hyaluronic acid lip augmentation/augmentation involves solving the many problems we may have in this area:

  • lip asymmetry;
  • increasing them when they are too thin;
  • filling in the blanks that affect the way we talk or smile.
  • dehydration of the lips.

Why choose SKINMED® experts?

Because we want beautiful, sensual, natural lips without those unsightly "duckbill" or "slide" effects. Whether you want lip volumisation, lip asymmetry correction or intense hydration, SKINMED® experts are ready to offer you the best solution for your problem/want.

Benefits of hyaluronic acid lip injection in SKINMED®

Full safety
Scientifically proven effectiveness
Natural appearance
Team of medical experts, coordinated by Dr Amalia Anghel
Safety and comfort for the patient


What is lip augmentation?

Correct volumisation, for the purpose of correcting defects or just for extra volume, must comply with precise technical rules and be carried out by qualified doctors, such as the members of the SKINMED® team. Knowledge of anatomy and experience in practice are essential to achieve natural-looking lips, to complete the notion of beauty.

This technique is of great value when the highest quality hyaluronic acid is used, such as Juvederm Volift, which we chose in SKINMED®. It is not associated with the risk of side effects such as allergies or the appearance of nodules.

augmentare buze hialuronic before after - skinmed augmentare buze hialuronic before after - skinmed

What are the steps in this procedure?

The doctor assesses the patient in terms of anatomical features, skin type and desired outcome.

An anaesthetic cream with a strong numbing effect is applied to the area. Most patients find the procedure painless (especially as it takes a maximum of 15 minutes).

Hyaluronic acid is injected by needle or cannula. The cannula is a blunt-tipped needle that does not puncture or traumatise the blood vessels and nerve endings in the lips, reducing the risk of bruising and oedema.

What are the risks of this procedure?

The injector's experience and the quality of the substance are crucial to the success of the treatment. Therefore, by using SKINMED® services, the risks are greatly reduced. In the case of procedures carried out by untrained people, complications include necrosis (tissue death) or other serious problems, which occur when the injection is made intravascularly, a very large quantity of hyaluronic acid has been injected, which compresses the vessel, or hyaluronic acid unsuitable for this area has been injected, which is too dense.

Symmetry and natural results at SKINMED®

We are committed to the idea of beauty as "balance", "proportion", "naturalness" and use the most advanced medical solutions as tools to help, to repair, not to unbalance. Because the ultimate goal is to be the best version of yourself, not someone else's doppelganger. All so that the reaction of those around you following lip augmentation treatment is one of admiration, like: "I had no idea they weren't natural!".

When are the results visible and how long do they last?

The injection takes effect quickly, without significant oedema. Thus, the patient can continue her daily routine without the need for post-procedure recovery. Reinjection is indicated every 6 months to 1 year.

In SKINMED® - Centre of Excellence in Dermatology - you will find highly experienced specialists working with the latest results of medical research on prevention and treatment, using state-of-the-art medical equipment and products. We look forward to meeting our doctors for a treatment tailored to your needs!

Doctors EXPERT in lip augmentation

Hyaluronic acid and SKINMED professionalism®, so that youth may endure into old age!

Advantages SKINMED®


More than 10000 patients treated in the clinic

National and international accreditations

Allergan National Accredited Trainer

Safety of procedures

We only use original Juvederm Allergan products

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Frequently asked questions

What's important to get sensual but natural lips?

In order to achieve sensuous but natural lips, it is important to take into account two aspects: the type and quality of hyaluronic acid (possible side effects are related to this aspect) and the injection techniques, i.e. the injection method and the location of the injection point of the volumising substance. Why the doctor? Because this procedure considered simple can cause serious adverse reactions when performed improperly or by an unskilled person.

What do you need to know about lip anatomy?

We express ourselves verbally and non-verbally using this extremely important structure. From an anatomical-structural point of view, it is extremely complex, follows a series of rules related to subcomponents and proportions, and balance is the key word that defines this area.

It is subdivided into several structures (upper tubercle of the upper lip, two tubercles of the lower lip, Cupid's bow, philtrum, contour) and follows anatomical proportions.

How do we achieve lip augmentation/volumization?

Depending on what you're looking for - lip enhancement, gap filling or just moisturising - we use the best type of hyaluronic acid for each individual procedure. In terms of technique, we specialise in sensual but natural-looking lips, avoiding the 'duckbill' or 'toboggan' look.

What types of hyaluronic acid do we use for lip augmentation?

Depending on the desired effect, in SKINMED® we use a dedicated hyaluronic acid from the Juvederm Vycross range. If we are talking about volumisation we choose Juvederm Volift, with immediate effect and minimal post-procedure oedema. Most often we choose to inject 1 ml, which is useful to augment, anatomically correct, in all lip structures. Sometimes we may choose a small touch-up or minimal correction with Juvederm Volift 0.55 ml. If we only want a moisturising effect with minimal volumising, we use Juvederm Volite or Volbela to restore the natural look, without fine lines.

Is hyaluronic acid lip treatment safe?

In Skinmed, we recommend experience, so the lip correction procedure using hyaluronic acid is completely safe, the only post-procedure reactions are minimal bruising that disappears by itself in the following days. Otherwise, the experience of SKINMED® doctors recommends the desired sensual lip effect!

What does injectable treatment involve?


There are no pre-procedure indications, the patient comes relaxed and eager to have this procedure done, and we are there with all our professionalism and experience!

During the procedure:

The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia, with cream, after mandatory disinfection of the area. SkinMed's expert doctor gently and responsibly injects this particularly important area of the face, so that we respect and restore the natural physiological structures for naturalness and sensuality.


Post-procedure, the patient should avoid strenuous physical exertion, sauna, hot baths, with the indication to increase water intake to 2 litres. If small bruises appear, we should know that they will disappear spontaneously or we can apply locally creams with a cleansing effect to minimise bleeding. As we recommend to our patients, they can apply lipstick or balm locally and immediately enjoy the gorgeous look of their lips!

How long do the treatment effects last?

Thanks to premium hyaluronic acid The effects of this procedure are visible from 9 to 12 months.

Is pain relief treatment needed after the injection?

There is no post-procedure pain and NO oral pain relief or antibiotic treatment is required.

Are there any risks associated with lip injection?

In SKINMED®, our expertise recommends us for the results and safety of procedures. Thus, the only post-procedure reaction is minimal bruising for patients with sensitivity/risk. Otherwise, the lip injection procedure, if not performed by qualified physicians, may even be associated with the risk of large haematomas or even necrosis. That's why we have chosen the expertise of leading mentors, and why our more than 10 years of experience in injectionology recommends us for your safety. This is the only way we can guarantee the effect you want in complete safety.