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Acne Treatment Center

Beat acne together! Every case is unique. So is the treatment.

Who are we talking to?

The Acne Treatment Centre is open to anyone, regardless of age, who suffers from either mild or more aggressive forms of acne. For treatment of this condition, specialist consultation with a dermatologist is always recommended. A correct, tailored treatment plan can help keep both active lesions and scarring under control and prevent new lesions from appearing.

Why choose SKINMED® experts?

The hundreds of patients who have visited us every year with this pathology have taught us that the correct therapeutic approach requires a lot of technical resources (medical lasers of different types, injections, creams, peels or alternative therapies) and a lot of time dedicated to personalised treatment.

We have accumulated these resources and created a team of professionals trained in this field so that we can treat any case of acne. We know that acne is a disease with a major personal and social impact, so it must be treated with the utmost importance, regardless of the age of the patient.

Benefits of acne consultations performed in SKINMED®

Team of professionals, coordinated by Dr. Amalia Anghel
Doctors trained in the latest treatments and technologies
Experts with national and international specialisations
State-of-the-art technologies
Modern and effective treatments and procedures


What is acne?

Acne is a chronic condition of the pilosebaceous follicle that occurs as a result of a genetic predisposition and is favoured by many factors (hormonal, medication, stress, diet, comedogenic cosmetic products, etc.).

Epidemiology studies rank acne as the 8th most common condition globally, with a prevalence of 9.4%. Thus, more than 80% of people will, at some point in their lives, have at least one episode of acne.

Types of acne

Depending on the type of lesions present, acne is classified into non-inflammatory acne and inflammatory acne.

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Acne non-inflammatory

It is represented by comedonal acne. The predominant lesions are closed and open comedones, known as whiteheads and blackheads, located mainly on seborrheic areas; sometimes it can also have minimal inflammatory lesions - papules, pustules, especially in the presence of hormonal fluctuations (e.g. premenstrual period).

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Acne inflammatory

Associated lesions in the form of papules, pustules and nodules.

Papules are pinkish-erythematous, raised lesions that appear as a small bump under the skin, usually painless.

Pustules are papule-like, erythematous lesions with a yellowish-white central spot of sebum and cellular detritus.

Nodules are firm, painful, inflamed lesions located deeper in the skin that can heal leaving scars or hyperpigmented lesions.

Depending on the type and number of lesions, inflammatory acne is classified into: 
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Mild to moderate papulo-pustular acne

inflammatory lesions are predominantly present in the form of papules and pustules, closed and open comedones, but no nodules appear

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Severe papulo-pustular acne and moderate nodular acne

generally affects the whole face, but can also affect the chest, there are numerous inflammatory lesions, more than 125, more than 100 comedones, and in the case of moderate nodular acne, at least 5 nodules are associated

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Severe nodular acne and acne conglobate

represent the most severe forms of the condition. In severe nodular acne, in addition to numerous papules, nodules are present in increased numbers. In addition to these, acne congenitalis also associates nodules and cysts, interconnected by tracts located deep in the skin; it affects not only the face, but also the chest, shoulders, root of the limbs or even the buttocks. The risk of forming vicious scars is much higher in severe forms of acne compared to mild or moderate forms.

We encounter special forms of acne as early as the newborn, in the child, but also adult forms, either as a continuation of adolescent acne or occurring de novo.

In pre-adolescence, the incidence is higher among females, and in adolescence, males predominate, especially in the more pronounced forms. In adulthood, again, acne is more common in females.

Up to 20% of cases may be severe forms such as severe papulo pustular acne, acne conglobate or acne fulminans.

Testimonies of treated patients

I wore a beard for eight years, so my acne-prone skin wouldn't show. I've had dozens of even more painful therapies, creams and pills. It's no use. Skinmed's approach gave me back my self-confidence and I saw that acne has a modern solution.

R.P. - 26 years old

Everyone told me it would go away by itself when I hit puberty. But I ended up in my 30s with acne-prone skin, which made me wear excessive make-up and shy away from other people's eyes when I didn't have foundation applied. At Skinmed I got rid of this problem, thanks to a personalised treatment prescribed by Dr Amalia Anghel.

M.G. - 32 years old

I knew it was normal to have acne. I was used to the pimples on my face. But I didn't fit in at high school. After a treatment prescribed by the doctors at Skinmed and a few sessions with the Clearskin laser, I had normal skin. I was on the verge of depression, but I escaped.

I.P. - 18 years old

What are the stages of acne therapy in SKINMED Acne Treatment Center®?

We briefly present the patient experience in the SKINMED® Acne Treatment Centre to give you an overview of expectations:

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At your first visit, we will discuss what acne is, why it occurs and your lifestyle. It's important to understand that although you are not at fault for causing it to appear or recur, by doing what you do every day you can make it harder to cure.
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Then we move on to physically examining your skin, taking pictures and determining the type of acne you have.
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In addition to the medical treatment protocol at the clinic, you will also be issued with a full personalised home care protocol with specialised products.
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This is followed by a period of treatment in the clinic, the technology and number of sessions being determined by the attending physician.
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Finally, we will evaluate the results and make anti-recurrence recommendations or establish a plan to resume the procedures in order to maintain the results.

What is the most common acne therapy used in our Centre?

Many patients ask this question, but the doctor's answer will always be this: the treatment is tailored to the specifics of the patient and is 100% personalised, representing a combination of topical (topical) substances, oral medication and procedures, e.g. laser treatments, peeling etc.

However, statistically speaking, most patients have benefited from laser technology treatments ClearSkinwith some of the best results. Benefits:

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has optimal results against active acne and scarring;
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is useful in comedonal, inflammatory acne and post acne scarring;
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reduces hyperseborrhea, comedones, pores and inflammatory acne lesions ;
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causes a healing reaction, with synthesis of collagen and elastin

Doctors at SKINMED Acne Treatment Center®

  • Primary Dermato-Venerology Physician, Doctor of Medical Sciences
  • Overspecialisation in aesthetic treatments
  • Founder of SKINMED® Clinic

His extensive experience in the treatment of acne patients has led to the creation of an Acne Treatment Centre, equipped with the most modern laser equipment in the field, and to the training of a team of specialists in performing the prescribed therapeutic procedures.

SKINMED experience and technology®, for flawless looking skin!

Advantages SKINMED®


  • Over 19,000 patients treated in the clinic
  • Over 300 new patients every month
  • Over 3500 new patients annually
  • Over 20000 treatments per year


  • FOTOFINDER-accredited Centre of Expertise in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Skin Cancer
  • ALMA LASER accredited laser treatment centre of expertise
  • ALLERGAN-accredited Centre of Expertise in Aesthetics and Medical Injecology


  • Only world-class accredited technologies

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