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Sheets have the unsuspected power to communicate to us from behind layers of blush and makeup, because we can only hide their colour, not their depth. Now dark circles can be corrected with treatments chosen according to their type and cause, the effect on the whole face is visible and impressive.

In other words, the best blush is taking care of ourselves!

Dark circles are an aesthetic problem for both women and men!

Far from being the expression of a serious medical problem, pronounced dark circles lead to premature ageing of facial appearance in both women and men. On the plus side, they often have a cPerfectly treatable hearing loss: Blood in the capillaries around the eyes does not circulate as quickly, and the venous blood is darker and darkens the area.

Apart from the typical dark circles "folds", those with serious excess skin that need surgical treatment, for all other types of dark circles there are highly effective non-surgical therapies! 

As the lower eyelid area is very complex, with a great variability of aspects, often associated, we encounter a number of problems for which, fortunately, today there are solutions accessible to everyone. The appearance of dark circles under the eyes has different causes and obviously requires different treatments.

Types of dark circles

Precisely because there are many different types of dark circles under the eyes, a dermatological consultation is an essential first step in identifying the problem and establishing personalised treatment for each individual patient.

1. Conformation sheets

In the case of contour dark circles, where the tear trough is visible, the best treatment option is to volumise (fill) them with hyaluronic acid dedicated to this area. At Skinmed Clinic we use the best hyaluronic acid, the Juvederm brand. For each individual patient dosed in the appropriate quantities and using safe techniques.

2. Coloured (pigmented) sheets

Pigmentation is one of the most common problems, but it can be improved by minimally invasive therapies such as mesotherapy or laser treatments. Following a specialist consultation at Skinmed Clinic, each patient receives personalised treatment - a specific therapy or a mix of treatments may be recommended.

3. Visible bags and excess lower/upper eyelid

These are improperly called dark circles, as they are caused by the accumulation of lymph in the lower eyelid. Once they become chronic, they don't go away on their own, but their unsightly appearance can be improved with laser therapies or, in the case of excess skin, they can be removed following a surgical procedure called blepharoplasty.

4. Mixed sheets

When dark circles are also pigmented and affected by lack of volume in the lower eyelid area, they can be treated with mesotherapy (to remove any pigmentation) followed by volumisation with Juvederm hyaluronic acid.

Fine wrinkles, those in the outer corner of the eye, are still a common eye problem and can be quickly corrected with botulinum toxin injections.

Correction of dark circles with hyaluronic acid

We are talking about injection of a hyaluronic acid film, that will come between the vascular bed and the skin. Hyaluronic acid can correct exaggerated skin laxity, due to its important remodelling effects and induction/acceleration of the natural process of synthesis of supporting fibres. Thus, the skin regains its elasticity, firmness and tone.

On the other hand, hyaluronic acid injection for dark circles correction should be done by doctors with extensive experience in this field, as it is a delicate procedure and requires great care, a special technique and the right type of filler and moisturiser.

When we talk about hyaluronic acid injections, we are talking about a minimally-invasive, pain-reducing technique that is performed after topical application of an anaesthetic.

The effects are visible immediately and last for 6 months to 2 years, depending on factors such as skin type, severity of wrinkles, injection area, amount injected, etc.

It is an extremely valuable procedure, well known today, whose results are quickly visible and without unpleasant incidents associated with the injection.

The substances used in facials are specifically designed to reduce wrinkles, contour or create volume. At Skinmed Clinic we use the best hyaluronic acid on the market today, namely Juvederm.

Correction of dark circles with mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is the introduction of a cocktail of substances by microinjections, determined by the specialist according to the patient's needs and situation. It contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, hyaluronic acid, trace elements, etc.

For even better long-term correction, thrombocyte-enriched plasma infiltration (P.R.P., plasmolifting) on the affected area is associated. 

This will lead to the regeneration of skin tissue, damaged over time by poor oxygenation. 

The clinical situation of hyperpigmentation of the lower eyelid area is also defined by this term, which requires the adaptation of mesotherapy substances in order to erase/diminish this frequently constitutional staining.

Correction of dark circles with laser therapy

ClearLift in the Harmony platform from Alma Lasers is the laser technology with which we can work extremely effectively on the fine tegument of the upper and lower eyelids. Unlike other laser therapies, the principle is that of shock waves, with focal distance adaptation and action in the deep layers of our skin, deep epidermis and/or dermis, keeping the superficial layer of the integument intact.

Although the skin may redden slightly, we do not have a long recovery period (only a few minutes), and it can even be done during lunch break.

Through this treatment we manage to improve fine wrinkles, texture, skin quality, restore firmness and improve lower eyelid pigmentation. A complete protocol includes 4-6 sessions spaced every month.

It is an extremely valuable procedure because it allows us to act on complex eyelid problems with absolutely remarkable results.